Monday, October 31, 2011

Christina Aguilera ate Luciano Pavarotti !

DANG!!!!!! Home girl needs to find that genie in a bottle she's was singing about back when 'cause She looks like a blond Anne Wilson who ate a Barracuda with a tub of lard. Good lord! Given' She does have one hell of a voice on her but I'm starting to think Ms. Aguilera really wants to be a opera singer or she just chills with haters who let her walk around looking like she has a food addiction.

You could blame it on her having a kid but it's Hollywood and that excuse only holds up in the real world. Maybe she doesnt give a flying shit and is just letting it all hang out. Whatever the reason she looks like crap. Hey' mariah carey packed on the pounds but she still looked some what classy and not like some damn townie hooker.

Am I being harsh? no. I'm not. We the public and the consumer make these people as well as pay them. That said If I had money like these celebrities did I would look on point in my sleep. Someone needs to give her Victoria Beckham's number or get her on to dancing with the stars.

Here is one of her hits. I just hope words can bring her down. Down to a healthy/celebrity weight.

Hey maybe she can go " work out" with Kim K's soon to be Gayer than gay ass ex husband.

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